Frozen Fruits & Vegetables
Tides Enterprises sources both conventional and organic fruits and vegetables that are harvested at their peak ripeness and then either processed as individually quick frozen (IQF) or block frozen. We have the capability to fire or oil roast vegetables prior to freezing. IQF fruits and vegetables are available in a wide variety of different cuts such as dices, strips, slices, rings, pieces, wholes, and halves depending on the product. Whichever format you are looking for, chances are, we can supply it!
“Individually Quick Frozen” or IQF foods are notable by the fact that each individual piece of food is separately frozen from the other pieces. For example, a bag of frozen vegetables has each piece of vegetable frozen vs. frozen together in a solid block. The pieces are in the bag loose, making the product easier to work with. IQF foods not only allow longer shelf-life, but also seal in the nutrients while, also preserving taste and appearance!
“Block frozen” or BQF foods are the opposite. The food is frozen together in a single “block” making it ideal for those times when IQF foods are not necessary.

Apple – Malus domestica
Apricot – Prunus armeniaca
Banana – Musa
Blueberry – Ericaceae
Bok Choy – Brassica rapa
Carrot – Daucus carota
Celery – Apium graveolens
Cherry – Prunus serotina
Cilantro – Coriandrum sativum
Corn – Zea mays
Cranberry – Vaccinium macrocarpon
Eggplant – Solanum melongena
Fennel – Foeniculum vulgare
Garlic – Allium sativum
Ginger – Zingiber officinale
Grape – Vitis vinifera
Green Onions – Allium cepa
Kiwifruit – Actinidia deliciosa
Leeks – Allium porrum
Mango – Mangifera indica
Mushroom – Agaricus bisporus
Onion – Allium cepa
Passionfruit – Passiflora edulis
Peach – Prunus persica
Pear – Pyrus
Peppers – Capsicum
Pineapple – Ananas comosus
Raspberry – Rubus idaeus
Rhubarb – Rheum rhabarbarum
Strawberry – Fragaria ananassa
Tomatillos – Physalis philadelphica
Tomato – Solanum lycopersicum
Zucchini – Cucurbita pepo